Optimizing Safety Stock By Dave Piasecki Optimizing Safety Stock levels by calculating the magical balance of minimal inventory while meeting variable customer demand is sometimes described as the Holy Grail of inventory management (ok, forecasting is probably the true holy grail but I thought this sounded good). Many companies look at their own demand fluctuations and assume that there is not enough consistency to predict future variability. They then fall back on the trial and error best guess weeks supply method or the over simplified 1/2 lead time usage method to manage their safety stock. Unfortunately, these methods prove to be less than effective in determining optimal inventory levels for many operations. If your goal is to reduce inventory levels while maintaining or increasing service levels you will need to investigate more complex calculations. One of the most widely accepted methods of calculating safety stock uses the statistical model of Standard Deviations of a Normal Distribution of numbers to determine probability. This statistical tool has proven to be very effective in determining optimal safety stock levels in a variety of environments. The basis for this calculation is standardized, however, its successful implementation generally requires customization of the formula and inputs to meet the specific characteristics of your operation. Understanding the statistical theory behind the formula is necessary in correctly adapting it to meet your needs. Errors in implementation are usually the result of not factoring in variables which are not part of original statistical model
Terminology and calculations
The following is a list of the variables and the terminology used in this safety stock model:
Understanding the statistical model and factoring in additional variables.
As mentioned previously, an understanding of the statistical theory behind this formula is necessary to ensure optimal results. The statistical model uses the standard deviation calculation to describe the probability of a number occurring in reference to the mean in a normal distribution. A table is then used to determine a multiplier to use along with the standard deviation to determine ranges of numbers which would account for a specified percentage of the occurrences. The multiplier is referred to as the number of standard deviations required to meet the percentage. The theory states that zero standard deviations added to the mean will result in a number in which 50% of the occurrences will occur below, one standard deviation added to the mean will result in a number in which 84% of the occurrences will occur below, 2 standard deviations added to the mean will result in a number in which 98% of the occurrences will occur below, and 3 standard deviations added to the mean will result in a number in which 99.85% of the occurrences will occur below. In the safety stock calculation we will refer to the multiplier as the service factor and use the demand history to calculate standard deviation. In its simplest form this would yield a safety stock calculation of : safety stock = (standard deviation) * (service factor). If your lead time, order cycle time, and forecast period were all the same and if your forecast was the same for each period and equaled the mean of the actual demand for those periods, this simple formula would work great. Since this situation is highly unlikely to occur you must add factors to the formula to compensate for these variations. This is where the trouble lies. You must add factors to adapt this theory to work with your inventory, however, each factor you add compromises the integrity of the original theory. This isn't quite as bad as it sounds. While the factoring can get complicated you can keep tweaking it until you find an effective solution. Your final formula will look like: safety stock = (standard deviation)*(service factor)*(lead-time factor)*(order cycle factor)*(forecast-to-mean-demand factor). There is not a general consensus on the formulas for these factors; in fact, many calculations do not even acknowledge the need for them. I will give some recommendations for these factors, however, I strongly suggest you test and tweak them with your numbers to arrive at something that works for you.
While all of these factors and their potentially detrimental effect upon the integrity of the original formula may leave you feeling less than confident with the results of this model, you should realize that these factors would be necessary in any method of calculating safety stock which takes a scientific approach to meeting service levels while maintaining minimal inventory levels. It is very important to thoroughly test the model prior to final implementation to ensure it is working correctly and to determine impact on inventory levels and cash flow. It's also a good idea to start with a higher service factor initially and gradually reduce it until your actual service levels meet your objectives. You will never find perfection in determining probability, however this type of formula is certainly more effective than the previously mentioned keep it simple approaches.
Reading: Richard J, Tersine, Principles of Inventory and Materials Management, PTR Prentice Hall, August 1993 |